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Showing posts from February, 2013

I made a GIF!

Changing RHEL/CentOS 5.x hostname without reboot

Changing your Red Hat Enterprise or CentOS Linux server's hostname does not require rebooting the system; only restarting services.  And does not interrupt system operations. For this example, we are promoting a RHEL development system named RD13 to production and therefore need to rename it RP13.  The scope is limited to the operating system only; DNS and application specific changes are not discussed.  It is strongly suggested ALL relevant DNS and application configuration changes be made first - before proceeding. 1) After making a backup /etc/hosts copy, replace the existing primary IP address canonical name and aliases with the new values.  Note that the canonical name (FQDN) is first, the alias (short) is second. Note the updated line has 'rp', not 'rd'. #diff hosts.orig hosts   < rd13   ---   > rp13 Alternatively, comment out the line completely and use DNS.  Larger en

SSH keys and DfSS wisdom

Spent an hour working on SSH private key authentication this week without success.  The entire process is simple, you have to follow ALL the steps though.  Generating the public/private keys, add the public key to $HOME/.sssh/authorized_keys, and test SSH authentication.  I skipped step two: update/create authorized_keys. Question your assumptions - reviewing the howto is better than researching a debug level 3 error.  One "Design for Six Sigma" tool that caught my attention is "Pair Programming".  The concept is simple: two people on one workstation.  Both people are engaged, checking each others design and providing feedback real-time; as a result the quality and volume of work increases.  The camaraderie is a great perk too. If I had engaged a co-worker, even one unfamiliar with SSH, instead of hammering away I could have resolved the issue much faster.

IEEE "Design for Six Sigma" Completed

Completed the IEEE "Design for Six Sigma" (DFSS) today and have my certificate!  Many are skeptical about service delivery and the Six Sigma model, however the course was focused on design. As a result, more time was spent on " Identify, Design, Optimize and Verify" (IDOV) methodology tools: GMA, PPA, DOE and FMEA.  Would recommend the course. Ref: IEE eLearning "Design for Six Sigma" by S. Keene

Cisco v. VMware for data center switching title

Generic switching hardware for multiple protocols versus virtual software devices.  LAN and SAN admins prefer hardware; VMware admins want control, flexibility.  Can't we all just get along (with a bit of both)? Cisco 'Soft Network' Approach Preferred to  VMware's , Says Deutsche  -  Barron's  Large enterprise IT, we spoke with, see value in Cisco's “hybrid physical/virtual” SDN approach versus  VMware /Nicira's “vswitch centric” SDN solutions […] Our conversations with senior enterprise IT architects (from large asset management firms, etc  ... Ref:

Ask yourself, then your supervisor three questions

+John Pozadzides  posted " The Wage Earner’s Dilema " this week.  In summation there are three questions to ask: If you had to gauge my performance and experience at my current job, how would you stack rank me against the team? How do you feel about the company’s financial position and prospects for the future? How much longer do you think it will take before I see a substantial pay increase or the opportunity to move up in the ranks? I encourage you to read his entire article.  Asking for additional compensation is not ungrateful and does not have to be awkward.   Be prepared, respectful and confident. References:

Best Interview Question Ever

"I want you to explain something to me. Pick any topic you want: a hobby you have, a book you’ve read, a project you worked on--anything. You’ll have just five minutes to explain it. At the beginning of the five minutes you shouldn't assume anything about what I know, and at the end I should understand whatever is most important about this topic. During the five minutes, I might ask you some questions, and you can ask me questions. Take as much time as you want to think it through, and let me know when you want to start. It is amazing how many candidates will not premeditate before diving into this interview question. What's most incredible about this is how accurately it predicts disorganized and non-goal directed behavior on the job. I’ve been overruled a few times by my manager on a hiring decision, and this question was a harbinger of things to come. Conversely, the people who think it through and have a few crystal clear points are amongst the best people I’ve worke