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Showing posts from March, 2015

I made a GIF!

Windows Media Player database corruption solved

Windows Phone makes Windows Media Player (WMP) necessary.  And WMP is awful, both inside and out.  The user interface is an uninspired pastiche. Worse, the metadata management database corrupts regularly. Even modest media libraries (under 8GB) require regular rebuilding. To fix new MP3 files not appearing in the WMP Library, exit WMP and delete the entire metadata database. A script file is not needed; this is a one line solution: cmd /Q /K del /Q /S "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Media Player"

Generating Elliptic Curve private keys

Public key cryptography uses private keys to decrypt messages and public keys to encrypt them. Generating a private key is the first step to creating a certificate signing request or a self-signed certificate. Most OpenSSL private key examples suggest creating an RSA private key: $ openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048 This uses RSA algorithms on semiprimes (the product of similarly sized prime numbers).  Elliptic curve (EC) algorithms are an alternative.  The OpenSSL process requires creating a named parameter file before the private key can be generated. $ openssl ecparam -out ec-param.pem -name prime256v1 $ openssl ecparam -in ec-param.pem -check -noout -text ASN1 OID: prime256v1   checking elliptic curve parameters: ok   $ openssl ecparam -in ec-param.pem -genkey -out ec-private.key   $ cat ec-private.key   -----BEGIN EC PARAMETERS-----   BggqhkjOPQMBBw==   -----END EC PARAMETERS----- --   ---BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY----- MHcCAQEEIIa2SkCuXClQOwCoS3uIgFnffXj4fWt